Updates for Skilled Regional Visas

Additional Places Allocated

Following a recent announcement, an additional 2,000 places have been allocated to the skilled regional visa increasing the cap from 23,000 to 25,000 places for the program year ending 30 June 2020.

On first glance this appears to be good news but, we are yet to hear further developments. For instance, in March this year, the Australian government stated the annual migration intake would reduce from 190,000 to 160,000 places which means no room to accommodate recently announced increases to the skilled the regional visa and so speculation is rife that these additional places will actually come at a cost to the Skilled Independent 189 category.

Those who have been following trends over the last two years, will know that the Skilled Independent 189 category has already suffered a blow following the introduction of the NZ stream visa and its incorporation into the Skilled Independent 189 category creating fierce competition amongst highly skilled migrants.

Priority Processing

Applicants for regional visas can expect to be given priority processing of their visa applications which has been a contentious issue across the board in almost all of the visa categories where processing times have blown out considerably.

Gold Coast a ‘Regional’ Area

In a joint press release issued by the Prime Minister Scott Morrison, the Hon Alan Tudge MP and the Hon Dan Tehan MP, the Gold Coast has been announced to be included on the list of areas deemed designated as regional as of 16 November 2019.

What’s Next?

As of 16 November 2019, legislative changes will see the following occur:

Many individuals will be impacted by these changes and should understand their position before lodging a visa application. We strongly urge you seek professional advice on your options.

Should you wish to discuss further please contact us for expert advice and guidance.

Josie Marr